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What B2B and B2C contact data points does MeetVisitors provide?
What B2B and B2C contact data points does MeetVisitors provide?
Updated over a week ago

B2B Contact Data:

Note: You will only be charged for visitors if we can identify at least one of the following data points (in addition to the First and Last name):

  • LinkedIn URL and/or business phone number and/or business email address

  • Pages visited

  • Last visit

  • Number of visits to the site

  • Time spent on the website per session

Additional information:

  • Profile Picture

  • Job Title

  • Seniority Level

  • General Company Phone Number

  • Company SIC and NAICS

  • Department

  • Company Address (Address, zip, state)

  • Company Revenue

  • Company Count

  • Company Description

  • Company

  • Company Domain

B2C Contact Data:

Note: You will only be charged for visitors if we can identify at least one of the following data points (in addition to the First and Last name):

  • Gender

  • Age-Range

  • Personal phone number and/or Personal email address and/or Physical Address

  • Pages visited

  • Last visit

  • Number of visits to the site

  • Time spent on the website per session

Additional information:

  • Marriage Status

  • Income Range

  • Children (Y/N)

  • Home Owner (Y/N)

  • Net Worth

  • DPV Code

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